Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Stonehenge – A mystery of pre-history

There is so much history and there are so many theories behind Stonehenge that this blog could run for hundreds of pages, but of course I won’t do that here. I was lucky enough to visit Stonehenge and it really is something to see. Located in the county of Wiltshire, England, the stone structure is

Weighing the options #ROW80 check in

So on the writing front, I didn’t do so hot this week. I missed a sprint or two on the #row80 hashtag. I think I got about 2600 words this week. Only half my weekly goal. While the WIP fell on the lower end of the scale, I’ve been doing better on my other goals.

Book Review: A Summer in Europe by Marilyn Brant

Marilyn Brant’s “A Summer in Europe” takes you on a grand tour of Europe through Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria and the United Kingdom and its perfect for those whole enjoy armchair travel. The story synopsis: On her 30th birthday, Gwendolyn Reese receives an unexpected present from her widowed Aunt Bea: a grand tour of Europe

Writing in different genres: A Blog Series

Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for

Overheard on the #ROW80

I’ve picked up my game on the reading front with another fiction book started and a craft book that I’m just about halfway through. I already know I will re-read this craft book again. I’ve also been reading lots of blogs and commenting when possible (i.e. when Blogger lets me). Good news: The blogging series