Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Over preparing for vacation/ROW80 check in

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So I made the mistake of telling my colleagues at work that I’m packing this weekend for my upcoming vacation. Yes, packing is a normal thing to do before your vacation, but I did mine 4 days in advance. My colleague’s response was “you’re packing all week?” I’d have to say that it was a male colleague who said this so maybe the other ladies out there will agree that there are perfectly logical reasons for packing 5 days in advance:

Β© Grzegorz Japol | Dreamstime.com1. To see what laundry needs to be done.

2. To figure out how many pairs of shoes to bring.

3. To figure out which pairs of shoes to bring.

4. To plan my two nice outfits for the trip. You know when you go on 2 week vacation that you will go on at least two fancy outings and for this trip I need,Β yes I need, two different fancy outfits (which also requires one extra pair of shoes for one of these outfits). πŸ™‚

5. For the carry on baggage, it has my camera and the rest is gifts for the lovely people we (Honey Bear and I) are visiting. So I had to make sure the carry on is within the weight limit.

Β© Maribell | Dreamstime.com6. I spent over half an hour finding gift bags and wrapping said gifts.

7. Finally after everything was neatly folded into half the big suitcase (the other half being for Honey Bear), I made of list of “last minute” things I need to pack, like jewelry, cosmetics and any laundry I washed.

8. Oh and I almost forgot, I planned my outfit for the flight there. Now this is where most people would say “she’s lost it,” but I make sure to wear an outfit that will be appropriate for the weather in my destination. In Brussels the weather is currently cloudy with a chance of depression. In my destination (Romania), its +35 at least with good chances of being hotter. Its also important to choose an outfit that you could possible re-wear on the trip and especially a pair of shoes you will re-wear. Another tip is to wear your heaviest, bulkiest clothing/shoes and a belt. Yes, it makes for slightly uncomfortable travel, but then you have more room in the baggage for more clothes.

I’m soooooo looking forward to the heat. I’ll take lots of photos and hopefully be able to blog about my trip when I’m there. If not, I will when I get back.

So as for my ROW80 goals. I did some editing and some writing towards my WIP and I made my goal with 5, 212 words this week (my goal being 5,000 per week). I also did some plotting and after I finish chapter 8, I will start writing “organic content” meaning no more pulling from draft #1 and editing the material to fit with my storyline. This has to “inconveniently” happen as I approach my vacation thus putting pressure on me to find some hours at the beginning or end of the day to write….wish me luck!

How’s everyone else doing? Check out the rest of the ROW8o gang here.

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28 thoughts on “Over preparing for vacation/ROW80 check in

  1. Great work so far and good luck.
    As for the packing, I started mine fife days before leaving for pretty much the same reasons you mentioned, only to realize that I packed only clothes and left out the shoes, the make-up and the rest essentials. So, I had to search for a bigger bag and still had to take a second one, smaller of course. And it was only for ten days.
    I really don’t know what I’m gonna do now that I have to pack for London. Start now probably. πŸ˜›

  2. Thanks so much. I’m glad I’m not the only one who packs in advance. I have a big bag and a small bag (and a purse)….for just over just over 2 weeks.

    If you’re packing for London, you might want to bring a rain proof jacket and/or umbrella if the weather there is anything like Brussels.

    1. Ugh, I’m not a big fan of rain. (Now that I think about it, I’m not a big fun of weather in general. Hot, cold, rainy, snowy… pff.) But right now I wouldn’t mind the rain, as long as this sun goes away.
      I think every sensible woman should pack in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.
      Have fun in Romania. πŸ™‚

  3. Ah, yes, packing…when I travel, I do have to plan and start days ahead, too. I also like to plan my outfit for travel in terms of what won’t set off alarms at the security checkpoints. Yes, I’ve been pulled out of line for dinging sounds…LOL

    Not so funny when you’re going through it, though.

    Congrats on your progress, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. maybe the men who commented have a woman packing/planning for them – it needs time to buy /wash/iron etc it’s not as if you are packing24 hours a day for 5 days! presentation needs time and forethought – I don’t worry that much myself on shoes etc – everything looks like a rag on me but even my rags need some time spent on them — shakes head!!! have fun in Rumania

  5. You might be right about this man having a wife to do it for him. And you’re soooo right about the 24hours/5 days. Its the other things that contribute to the packing like laundry that fills up the days leading to the date of travel. At least I won’t be up until after midnight ironing and trying to figure out of I’m forgetting anything. Thanks for the comment.

  6. The heck with the coworkers; they’re the ones who either have someone doing the packing for them, or they look like messes when they travel πŸ˜› I travel light (I did only carry-on for 10 days in London in February), but that takes incredible planning and organization! It also helped that I spent all my time in the British Library.

    Great progress on your goals. I’ll cross my fingers for extra time to appear for the writing this week. Enjoy Romania!

    1. Wow I really need to take tips for packing from you! Although, this trip will involve fancy dinners, going to the mountains, touring a historic city, visiting a castle and sitting in the sweltering heat….thus many outfits are required. πŸ™‚

      Yes, I really should try to make some extra time this week. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Doesn’t sound like overpreparing to me. Sounds like excitement and anticipation and can’t wait to get going type of thing. Me – I’d have made a half a dozen lists and tried on all the outfits. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful time! Congrats on meeting your writing goals.

  8. Well if they’re laughing at you, they’d surely laugh at me. I’ve been making packing lists for two weeks now and I’m not leaving for another three! But these days baggage weight is such an issue on airlines, and I don’t want to forget anything important! Of course you have to prepare your plane outfit πŸ™‚

    1. Well its important to start weeks in advance. I had to do some pre-vacation shopping and buy some sandals and a few other clothes to complete the ensembles.

      Baggage weight is such a huge issue on airlines these days. I say that all the passengers should meet up before a flight. Those people with no carryon or light bags should take some weight for the other passengers. We can fight The Man together!

      I have a feeling I will change my plane outfit at least 3 times before the day actually arrives. πŸ™‚

  9. I pack the same way! And my hubby teases me so much for it. Must be a guy thing. Anyway, good work on your progress. Sounds great, especially for how busy you have to be with work and getting ready for a trip. Keep it up!

  10. When I pack that far in advance, I always (alwaysalwaysalways) forget something, and it’s usually something important. I’m quite envious of your ability to have it so together πŸ™‚ Enjoy your trip!

  11. Glad to hear that I’m not the only one who packs early! I agree — there’s so much preparation that goes into packing, especially because you can’t bring *everything* with you. I flew to Las Vegas in January with my mom and we both ended up being overweight, as we brought extra boots, coats, and winterwear with us. After that, I’m extra paranoid about packing, so I start early to pull together outfits, figure out which jackets, shoes, and other accessories I can mix and match together… I also take pictures of each outfit that I pull together so I don’t forget, lol.

    Safe trip, and enjoy Romania!

  12. Are you by any chance a plotter lol?!?! I really think it’s a woman thing – a guy can do almost anything in jeans and a shirt – it takes so much more for us ladies! It sounds like you’re doing some amazing things on this trip – hope you have a wonderful time!

    1. You got me. I’m a plotter. But not tooo extreme I hope. I tend to surprise myself sometimes when some scenes write themselves without me planing them. And you’re sooo right. Ladies have so many different styles of shirts and skirts and dresses.

  13. Hi Nicole!

    Too funny! We’re kindred spirits. In addition to your preparations, I have packing lists and itineraries that I save in Word documents and update them and check off as I organize. For a two week vacation like yours, I would likely begin “organizing” the list at least two weeks prior and then begin the actual packing process about 10 days out. However, I generaly pack for everyone in my family who happens to be traveling, not for myself alone.

    My greatest concern with packing is making sure our luggage doesn’t exceed the weight limits (awfully expensive) and that we’ll have enough room for souvenirs on the trip back. πŸ™‚

    BTW, I pack my lists as well so I know we’ve repacked everything when it’s time to return home. Nothing worse than leaving a fave pair of heels behind, now is there?

    Have a fantastic holiday in Romania! I look forward to photos.

    1. Thanks so much Jolyse. Good thing use kindred spirits can be connected through the internet! I definitely would be making more complex lists like you if I had to pack for a family as well. I use handwritten ones for now.

  14. Awesome job hitting your goals. And I totally agree with you on the packing. Men (my husband included) look as me like I am crazy when I pull out the suitcase a week before a holiday! Husband also doesn’t understand why I am allowed to pack three pairs of shoes when he is only allowed to pack one! Have a great trip…

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