Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


A Canadian learning French in Belgium

I started French classes. Yeah, I finally caved. After years of vowing to never take French, I have been coerced by the question “You’re Canadian! Don’t you speak French?” and the loneliness of verbal isolation to start learning. I must be the only person, wait, the only female on this planet who does not like

The Turkey Hunt

Being away from home for the first time come Thanskgiving, I started to think about all the food I would be missing out on. I then decided that I can’t not make a Thanksgiving dinner. I started my turkey hunt two weeks prior to Thanksgiving. I first went to the British store (aka Stone Manor)

Ms. Domestic at 22 years

Saturday Morning, wake up at 7:30am. No alarm clock needed, biological alarm clock on time for work. Get up, put bedsheets in the washer. Have a cup of coffee on the balcony. Check emails. Reply to some emails. Check blog stats. Eat breakfast. Wash dishes from breakfast. Shower. Fill bucket with warm soapy water. Wipe

Age of Technology: Age of Absent-mindedness

I have always had a “thing” against technology. It’s true, technology has some great benefits like the cell phone which comes in quite handy, but what I don’t like is how technology has overtaken us and our natural ability to interact with each other. We have become slaves of the digital age. People driving while

September Surge

It’s the end of summer, where everyone is still wearing shorts, skirts and t-shirts. People are still going to patios and having barbeques. Friends are re-uniting and sharing stories from their summer vacations. There is an exciting surge of activity. In general people seem happy to see each other, talking and getting back to work, starting new things and enjoying the last days of warmth (depending on where you live).