Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Who says SEO is dead?

Mobilegeddon. Is it the end of the World Wide Web as we know it? Saying “SEO is dead” is a common rabbit hole many people go down in so-called “digital revolution” discussions. A similar case was when lots of people said newspapers were dead, but they’re online now—so actually they’ve just changed format. Find out

People’s Choice Awards for blogs

I have hit a few milestones in blogging: my blog turned 1-year’s old in August this year, I’ve started to get more comments on my posts which is lots of fun and I’ve met lots of great people. And now I’ve hit another milestone: I’ve received the Liebster Blog Award. I have been participating in

10 Random Facts About Nicole Basaraba

What’s one quick way of learning about someone you’ve met on the internet? Sharing 10 random facts about yourself and then “tagging” other online friends to do the same. The lovely Marcia Richards, tagged me to write 10 random things about myself. So here it goes… 1o. I love watersports. I’m not so much into