Getting back on the horse – ROW80

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So I’ve been absent. Very absent, I know. I finished my first novel and then I took a break and was undecided of what project to start on next. I came up with a second novel idea and started the first chapter. I have a few notes on it too so maybe I’ll take it forward eventually or think of something else. My struggle was if I could write about a character who is about 15 years older than me and in a very different part of her life than me. Can I make it realistic and believable if I can only relate to her on one level? Ok maybe two, she is a female.
I’ve missed the ROW80 crowd, “A Round of Works in 80 days” writers, who provide a great community a wealth of advice and some very interesting times on Twitter.
So I’ve decided to join this round even though I don’t yet have concrete goals. Actually yes I do, I think I’m just being reluctant:
- Blog regularly (preferably 3 time a week) – need to determine content schedule
- Edit current work, which includes novel #1
- Read lots of books (I’ve been slacking this month, but did well over the summer)
- Oh and learn the in’s and out’s of Scrivener, I did do a few productive things during my absence
- and if I’m really ambitious as winter hits, work out plot for novel #2
So I’m using the fence to climb back up onto the horse that seems so tall and lazy to move, but hopefully with the help of the ROW80 crew and my own motivation, I will be galloping by the end of this round.
Happy Thanksgiving!
So how’ve you all been? What did I miss?
Congrats on finishing your first novel!
Congratulations, Nicole!
Yay, Nicole! Congrats on finishing your novel … now the fun begins! Happy Thanksgiving to you so far away from home.
Welcome back to the ROW, Nicole! Congratulations on finishing the first novel, too!
So happy to hear from you and that all is well in your writing world. Look forward to cheering you on for Round 4. I’m thinking about joining, but my goals will likely be small. Lots of outside concerns to care for right now.
Congrats again on completing novel 1 and cut yourself some slack as you work your way into the second. Creativity takes time. 🙂
Hi and welcome back! Glad to hear you feel inspired already, that is amazing! 😀
Good luck!
Nicole – Welcome home!
Finishing that first novel is an amazing accomplishment, and it seems right to take a breather and time to absorb.
Your goals seem very achievable and well-considered.
I am happy you’re back, and getting up on that horse. I’m good with horses; I’ll cluck and bring out the tasty tidbits, and you’ll be off at smooth steady gallop before you know it!
[…] Getting back on the horse – ROW80 […]
So glad to see you, Nicole, and congrats again on finishing the book. I think you’ll be able to achieve all these goals this round. 😀