Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


“Rock the Row” Twitter Party on Oct. 5

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Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. I  want to learn what it takes to make it in the world of writing and publishing and nowadays there is a wealth of information on the web. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for study, teach me the ways of the warrior writer, and offer to guest post here at Uni-Verse-City (contact: [email protected]).

I started Writers’ Uni-Verse-City as a self-determined program to learn the craft of writing and to keep on reading and learning after the big void I felt after graduating from university. I’ve read many books and blogs and numerous sources say “to be a writer, you must read” and I’ve read but I have to stop reading and get writing. I was finding it hard to balance the two. I was obviously reading more than I was writing and then I joined ROW80 and I wrote for 80 days.

ROW80 stands for A Round of Words in 80 Days, “the writing challenge that knows you have a life”, founded by Kait Nolan. During the 80 days, I wrote a lot more than I would have if I didn’t sign up. I’ve already noticed that I’ve taken much longer breaks from writing than I did during the 80 days and its only been a week since it finished. I feel another “void” one that used to be full of self-induced pressure to write as much as I could when I had free time in order to make my goals. It just goes to show that having goals and deadlines really does make you work, even if they can be changed throughout the ROW80 challenge, I didn’t change mine and it worked for me. I will be adjusting my goals for Round 4 which starts on October 3rd, so if you want to write a lot and meets lots of fun and supportive people, go sign up here.

So for those Row80er’s who were part of Round 3 and my question for you is did you Rock the Row?

We’re having a Twitter party to celebrate the completion of ROW80 Round 3 on October 5th and to kick off Round 4! The party organisers are Jenny Hansen and I, with the help of Kait Nolan.

So what is a Twitter Party? We’ll is just like a regular party:

  • Theme: “Rock the Row”
    However, you want to work that in is great. Creativity is the key to fun here! I know I want to ROCK the ROW all niiiiiight and party on Twitter everyday! (Did you get the KISS reference? – I hope so)
  • Date: October 5th, 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM ET in the U.S.
    This also happens to be the first check-in so there should be a ton of ROW80 fun happening around the blogosphere.
  • Party will be held at the #ROW80 hashtag.
    Fire up your Tweet Deck or HootSuite and let’s partay.
  • Photo Competition:
    You can start now…we won’t tell. Start digging up or taking photos that reflect the theme. We’ll do our best to gather them and decide on the best to spotlight in a post at the ROW80 blog.
  • Friendly Blog Competition
    We will also post a mash-up of favorite ROCK THE ROW posts at the Row80 blog.

So bring what you normally would to party. For this Rockin’ themed party, someone might bring beer, pretzels, guitars, face paint, long wigs…..you know the usual.Tell you friends, re-post this blog or just the description part (bulleted list) and add your own flare, because we want to see everyone at the Twitter party!

I found my Party Rock Anthem. The video looks like it could be a group of writers spontaneously breaking out into choreographed dance after some sort of King Kong massacre no?

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22 thoughts on ““Rock the Row” Twitter Party on Oct. 5

  1. LOVE it , Nicole!! We’re gonna have a fantastic party next week. Also, breaking news: grand prize for best photo (voted on by ROW80 participants) is a copy of Kait Nolan’s “Red” in e-book format!!!

    Nice hosting with you, my friend. Between the two of us, I think we have most of the time zones covered. 🙂

    1. Also LOVING it Jenny!! I can’t wait to see all the pictures/entries. Kait’s offering a great prize!

      Can’t wait to host with you. And you’re right two time zones covered for sure. 🙂

  2. […] Friendly Blog Competition We will also post a mash-up of favorite ROCK THE ROW posts at the Row80 blog. Jenny Hansen is developing some polls ready so everyone can vote on these things. There’s also going to be dancing! Jenny made a “Rock The Row” playlist! All these details can be found at her ROW80 post. Co-host Nicole Basaraba’s post can be found here. […]

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