Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


European Life Style: Fashion

The clothes and more specifically the business attire in Brussels takes a little while to notice. Well for me it did. Brussels isn’t known for high fashion, but the people living here definitely have a sense of style (as in other European cities). Everyone goes to work in business clothes. At the organization I work

November 11: A Day to Remember

I remember in high school when I would walk in silence with my classmates to the gymnasium. We would take a seat on the benches or on the floor. Everyone sitting in an row and all you heard were the sound of footsteps and a few whispers. Everyone wore a red poppy on their shirt.

Sick Day in Belgium

Last night was one of those nights where you are awake piling up the Kleenexes into pyramid, coughing, and drinking gallons of water due to the soreness in the throat.

A Canadian learning French in Belgium

I started French classes. Yeah, I finally caved. After years of vowing to never take French, I have been coerced by the question “You’re Canadian! Don’t you speak French?” and the loneliness of verbal isolation to start learning. I must be the only person, wait, the only female on this planet who does not like