Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


“You’re from Canada! Don’t you speak French?”

Living in Belgium, where French is one of the national languages, I get this remark a lot: “you’re Canadian and you don’t speak French?” It’s quite shocking to every European I’ve come into contact with. In Belgium, there are three official languages: Flemish (60%), French (40%), and German (1%). Flemish is spoken mainly in Flanders

The Turkey Hunt

Being away from home for the first time come Thanskgiving, I started to think about all the food I would be missing out on. I then decided that I can’t not make a Thanksgiving dinner. I started my turkey hunt two weeks prior to Thanksgiving. I first went to the British store (aka Stone Manor)

Brussels Reality Check

Beer is cheaper than juice or soda. A statue of a little boy urinating (Manneken Pis) is the symbol of the city and is dressed up in costumes. Alcohol is sold everywhere: fast food restaurants, gas stations, and grocery stores. People work on a 24-hour clock. (So 4:00pm is 16:00). Cashiers sit on a chair

Smart Parking

In Brussels, with its narrow streets many of which are one-way only, parking tends to be quite an experience. To find a space where someone leaves enough room to fit a normal sized car is least to say an adventure...

The Guessing Game

Well, firstly I let me tell you that in December 2009 I moved from my small hometown in Canada after I graduated university to a capital city in Europe. So where am I writing from you ask? Can you guess? Let me start by giving you some hints. I can tell you that, this European