Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Exploring Dublin, Ireland

Ireland is a country that I’ve always wanted to visit since I was kid. As most people know, Dublin is the capital city and is the most often visited by tourists. Of course going to Ireland, I wanted to visit Dublin, but I was more interested and excited about seeing other parts of Ireland –

Belgian Spring Fashion

So going around town this weekend I noticed a change in wardrobe. The weather is improving in Brussels. I even put the heavy sweaters in the back of the closet this weekend. I saw quite a few ladies in skirts. What stood out to me in particular was that many girls were wearing kool-aid coloured

European Life Style: Fashion

The clothes and more specifically the business attire in Brussels takes a little while to notice. Well for me it did. Brussels isn’t known for high fashion, but the people living here definitely have a sense of style (as in other European cities). Everyone goes to work in business clothes. At the organization I work