Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Traveling Europe – A Chron-nicoles tour

Being back in Canada after having lived in Belgium and traveled Europe for over two years, I’m happy to be presenting and sharing my experiences at the University of Alberta’s International Week today. Looking back at the photos of all the places I’ve been made me realize that I took a LOT of pictures and

History of the Christmas Market in Europe

I did a guest post over at the lovely Marcia Richard’s blog on the History of Christmas in Europe. Here’s just a taste of what I write about: In many towns in Germany and Austria, Advent (coming of Christmas) is usually ushered in with the opening of the Christmas market or “Weihnachtsmarkt”. In southern Germany and

Aachen, Germany: It’s in the details

First impression: clean. Coming from Brussels and entering Aachen, there were some things that struck me immediately. Number one it was very clean and cheerful. The city has bright colored buildings in welcoming pastels. For a while I felt like I was a doll walking around in a city of doll-houses. Some of the doors

Cologne in Germany

Cologne. That word sounds familiar. Cologne is a city and Germany and it is known for its cologne (perfume). Although, I didn’t venture into the stores to check out the scents, I experienced the Christmas outdoors in this amazing city. I have to admit that my first stop in Cologne was to Starbucks. I know