Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Traveling Europe – A Chron-nicoles tour

Being back in Canada after having lived in Belgium and traveled Europe for over two years, I’m happy to be presenting and sharing my experiences at the University of Alberta’s International Week today. Looking back at the photos of all the places I’ve been made me realize that I took a LOT of pictures and

Actor Kevin Zegers – He’s Canadian

Welcome Canadian Thursdays, the day of the week when I talk about something or someone you may or may not have known is Canadian. So this is the first edition of Canadian Thursdays. Being a Canadian who lived in Belgium for 2.5 years, I’ve written a lot about my travels and I will continue to

An Experience of Titanic Proportions – Belfast, Northern Ireland

Titanic Belfast is the name of the signature building located in the Titanic Quarter of Belfast, Northern Ireland, the birthplace of the majestic ship. The architectural design was influenced by several maritime themes, including ice crystals, ships’ hulls and the insignia of the White Star Line. It looks like the front of Titanic’s hull at all four corners. Standing

Belfast, Northern Ireland – Leaving a Lasting Impression

Belfast is so multifaceted with its history, thriving modern culture and many tourist attractions, it left a lasting impression on me. The city has multiple pubs that have live music in the evenings and The Crown pub, which still has its original décor from the 19th century. I also enjoyed the music and atmosphere in Robinson’s