Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Thoughts on Pinterest and Row80 check in

So we’re half way through A Round of Words in 80 Days Writing Challenge and thankfully I made my weekly word count goal, just surpassing the 5,000 mark. I only wrote three evenings this week though so it still feels like I slacked off. I came down with a cold on Thursday so I sort

Eye on the Prize – ROW80 check in

So I just ran the numbers from last week’s three sprints and I was surprised to see that I surpassed by 5,000 weekly word goal with 6,100 words. Nice little treat for the end of the week and here I was feeling guilty that I missed a sprint and thought that I hadn’t written enough

Weighing the options #ROW80 check in

So on the writing front, I didn’t do so hot this week. I missed a sprint or two on the #row80 hashtag. I think I got about 2600 words this week. Only half my weekly goal. While the WIP fell on the lower end of the scale, I’ve been doing better on my other goals.

Christmas is coming and its ROW80 check in time

I’ve been a bad girl. I mean a really bad girl. I haven’t been writing or keeping up with my other ROW80 goals, which includes reading one fiction book and one writing craft book. With 11 days left of ROW80 (and 13 days until Christmas, because Christmas Eve counts to me) this is what I

What I will do next time – ROW80 Check in

So I’ve taken too long off from writing. First I had a never ending flu, I’m talking a full 8 days of coughing, aches and pains and a fever for 3-4 days. But now I’m better with only a slight cough that will just not leave me alone. Then I went to Ireland for an