Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Book Clubs and ROW80 check in

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So I was chatting with a friend over dinner and we got onto the topic of what the other was reading. We both said how we would love to be in a book club or to start a book club. I like to be in book clubs where I would read stories that I normally wouldn’t pick myself and maybe some difficult books that I’d love to read in conjunction with someone so that we can exchange ideas and thoughts.

February book club selection
February book club selection

So my friend and I decided to start a two-woman book club, because who says book clubs have to have a minimum number of members? We decided to read one book per month and meet at the end of the month at varying locations with different beverages and snacks and talk about the book. It seems like lots of book clubs start out strong and then disband. I hope that starting with a two-person book club makes us more likely to be accountable and to stick with it.

Reading goals:

So as for me reading goals, as part of the ROW80 group, I’d like to aim for reading 1-2 books per month. One for book club and one of my choice.

Current writing progress:

In terms of writing, I’ve been working on various projects such as a PowerPoint presentation since I will be a speaker as part of the University of Alberta’s International Week. So that’s been taking up the great portion of my “work time” in the evenings.

Writing goals:

I’ve been humming and hawing about what big project to start on next and I’ve decided that I want to work on two. One fiction and one non-fiction. I think I’ll try to do some #wipvanquishing as Lena Corazon says and to achieve this I plan to work on my non-fiction twice a week and fiction twice a week. Hopefully, I’ll be able to join #teamsprinty (#row80) on Twitter with the ever-productive Lauren Garafalo as our leader. Then I’ll fill in the other days with blogging, other projects and maybe some extra WIP time if possible.

So it’s great to have some goals and a clear direction. Now it’s just a matter of making the time to fit it all in.

Do you have any writing, reading, or other goals you’re working on? 

Check out the progress of the other ROW80 members here.

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12 thoughts on “Book Clubs and ROW80 check in

  1. I’ve been wanting to join a book club too!! I thought I might see if the library has one. I don’t really know any local people since the move, so I think it’d be a good thing for me 😀 Glad to see you have a new writing plan! Maybe see you later tonight for some #wipvanquish 😀 P.S. Love your new picture!!

    1. Yeah that’s a great idea to see if the library has one. I’m glad I have a better idea of what my writing plan is now too. Just gotta make it happen. See you on the #row80!

  2. I love it–a book club for just the two of you. I think you might like working on two projects at the same time, for me, if I was stuck on one, I’d hop over to the other! Now I’m going to check-out your “7 tips for creating a PowerPoint Presentation…

    1. Yeah its starting out as a two-woman group, but it doesn’t take long for the words “book club” to catch fire and then it expands to a dozen. I like the idea of having two projects to jump back and forth on. I hope the 7 tips are helpful. 🙂

  3. Book clubs are an awesome idea, though I’d probably find myself chaffing at the book choices, depending on how many people we had to cater for; some of my friends love books in genres that I utterly detest. But having reading goals is just as important as writing goals, since reading widely helps us to improve our own work.

    1. You make an excellent point Rebecca. My interest in books tents to be rather narrow/genre-specific. I’m hoping our new book club will expand my horizons. We are using a predetermined list of books to select from, which features mostly classics.

  4. I’ve been in a six-person book club for years. We’ve been gangbusters with our reading at times and less reliable at others. But we continue to read, to meet, to talk, and to enjoy the experience. Best wishes with it!

  5. I have been in a book club of apprz 12 people for about 10 years and aI run a smaller one in the viallge for 7 (last 5 years) bith are hosted by our county library which sends out a list each year – we do have to read outside our normal but that is one of the things I like (most months!) as it introduces us to authors we dont know and sometimes ones we would like to know – I think we need to do this as readers and writers – keep minds alert and stretch our critique minds:) all the best with your fledging one:)

    1. Hi Alberta! I had the same thought as you. I hope the book club introduces me to new authors and gives me ideas from other genres I don’t normally read. Good on you for being part of TWO book clubs!

  6. My book club started like that, only there were 4 of us. A year later it’s still going strong, and we’ve increased to 7 members. Everyone’s a friend of a friend, so it’s basically chatting to mates about this month’s book, then drinks and food – just like yours! I’ve read loads of books I wouldn’t have done normally, some ok, but some really good! I hope yours is as great as mine is!
    Good luck with your goals this week!

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