Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

A little bubbly?

There should be an instruction manual for drinking gas water: Twist cap off gradually to let some gas escape. DonĀ“t drink when thirsty. Only take small sips. Drink water in the same day as opening. Water goes flat within 36 hours. Warning: Drinking may cause bloating.

Brussels Reality Check

Beer is cheaper than juice or soda. A statue of a little boy urinating (Manneken Pis) is the symbol of the city and is dressed up in costumes. Alcohol is sold everywhere: fast food restaurants, gas stations, and grocery stores. People work on a 24-hour clock. (So 4:00pm is 16:00). Cashiers sit on a chair

Cosmos Align?

So on my lunch break between the gusting showers of rain and the ominous cloud cover, I sit down on a bench in the park. After I pull out, my Cosmopolitan magazine, two Chinese ladies sit next to me on the bench.

Smart Parking

In Brussels, with its narrow streets many of which are one-way only, parking tends to be quite an experience. To find a space where someone leaves enough room to fit a normal sized car is least to say an adventure...

The Guessing Game

Well, firstly I let me tell you that in December 2009 I moved from my small hometown in Canada after I graduated university to a capital city in Europe. So where am I writing from you ask? Can you guess? Let me start by giving you some hints. I can tell you that, this European