Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


The End of ROW80 Round 3 is here

Today is the last day of Round 3 in A Round of Words in 80 days. Where did I get to in the past two and a half months? Well, my initial goal was 5,000 words per week. I felt that it was doable and also I was at the beginning of my first WIP

Tick Tock only 4 days left of Row80

I’ve never been one who leaves things to the last minute. Whenever I had a paper or an assignment due for a class, I did it right away. I would do it in advance, check over it and have it printed and ready to go in my bag the night before. I wouldn’t stay up

High speed or choo choo trains? Row80 check in

I wrote 7,000 words this week. Now before you get crazy and think either A) she’s lying B) how did she do that, I will tell you that its because I did a personal lock-down and cranked out a lot of words in one sitting. I didn’t even write on Wednesday or Thursday or Friday.

10 Random Facts About Nicole Basaraba

What’s one quick way of learning about someone you’ve met on the internet? Sharing 10 random facts about yourself and then “tagging” other online friends to do the same. The lovely Marcia Richards, tagged me to write 10 random things about myself. So here it goes… 1o. I love watersports. I’m not so much into