Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Stages of a New Immigrant: Canadian in Belgium

I’m sure it happens to many people, when they immigrate they go through different stages. Stage 1 (1-3 months): exiting times of discovery. You get to explore your new city, meet new people, start a new job, get a new apartment and begin a new lifestyle. Stage 2 (3-6 months): culture shock and/or adapting to

Ms. Domestic at 22 years

Saturday Morning, wake up at 7:30am. No alarm clock needed, biological alarm clock on time for work. Get up, put bedsheets in the washer. Have a cup of coffee on the balcony. Check emails. Reply to some emails. Check blog stats. Eat breakfast. Wash dishes from breakfast. Shower. Fill bucket with warm soapy water. Wipe

Age of Technology: Age of Absent-mindedness

I have always had a “thing” against technology. It’s true, technology has some great benefits like the cell phone which comes in quite handy, but what I don’t like is how technology has overtaken us and our natural ability to interact with each other. We have become slaves of the digital age. People driving while

London: An Authentic Adventure of Tourism Marketing

London has been calling me since I can remember and I finally got to visit this amazing city. I didn’t have too many preconceptions about London other than it’s an expensive city where Big Ben lives. I was surprised in many respects about London. First of all, the metro system, or I should say underground