Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


A little bubbly?

There should be an instruction manual for drinking gas water: Twist cap off gradually to let some gas escape. Don´t drink when thirsty. Only take small sips. Drink water in the same day as opening. Water goes flat within 36 hours. Warning: Drinking may cause bloating.

Brussels Reality Check

Beer is cheaper than juice or soda. A statue of a little boy urinating (Manneken Pis) is the symbol of the city and is dressed up in costumes. Alcohol is sold everywhere: fast food restaurants, gas stations, and grocery stores. People work on a 24-hour clock. (So 4:00pm is 16:00). Cashiers sit on a chair

September Surge

It’s the end of summer, where everyone is still wearing shorts, skirts and t-shirts. People are still going to patios and having barbeques. Friends are re-uniting and sharing stories from their summer vacations. There is an exciting surge of activity. In general people seem happy to see each other, talking and getting back to work, starting new things and enjoying the last days of warmth (depending on where you live).

Why do most book clubs read the classics?

So my question is: why do most book clubs these days read the classics? Maybe book clubs read the classics because it’s good to have this “cultured knowledge” or maybe because the average person needs a little help from peers to fully understand the book? I know I’ve cracked open Pride and Prejudice more than one while lying in bed before going to sleep, and I couldn’t seem to concentrate hard enough to sift through the “older” English and follow all the Ms Bennets.

What to blog about – that was my question

This verse is based on Shakespeare’s soliloquy in Hamlet. I have maintained the limit of 36 lines and tried to mimic his words. I was inspired to write this way in response to the blog post “To blog or not to blog- that is the question.”