Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


When in Ireland…buy books from thy favorite Irish authors

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Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for study, teach me the ways of the warrior writer, and offer to guest post here at Uni-Verse-City (contact: [email protected]).

I have returned from an amazing extended weekend trip to Ireland and there will of course be a few blog posts on my travels to come (look for those on Mondays), but I have to take a moment to tell you what I bought. I have for some reason had an affinity for Irish authors, female Irish authors of women’s fiction to be precise. If you check out my Books page, you will see that at least half are from Irish authors.

These female Irish authors really know how to tell a good story. Its all about the human relationships, connections, humor and plots about situations other than shopping in New York or other topics falling more into Click Lit. This could be my bias, but I can’t get enough. I’ve set out to read the complete works of each of the best selling Irish authors in women’s fiction and my trip to their country was a great excuse to come home with some souvenirs.

What’s on my reading list?

  1. Thanks for the Memories – Cecelia Ahern
  2. The Gift – Cecelia Ahern
  3. Anybody Out There – Marian Keyes
  4. Last Chance Saloon – Marian Keyes
  5. Brightest Star in the Sky – Marian Keyes
  6. Ulysses – James Joyce

Yes, I know the last one isn’t a female Irish author and that it isn’t women’s fiction. I have to admit, while my face turns bright red from embarrassment, that I haven’t read Ulysses. I would like to blame the Canadian education system, but really its my own fault for not taking more English courses in university or having the guts to try to read something that will take me months to finish and absorb. After learning about what exactly is/are the topics of Ulysses, and how well Joyce captures the nature of Dubliners during his lifetime, I had to pick it up.

I still have one book left which I was lent by a friend, so that’s first on my list, but after that, I have a whole shelf to go through. I’m looking forward to reading by the fireside at Christmas time and I especially bought “The Gift” which I think is a Christmas themed story.

I may have gotten a little carried away in bringing back so many books when (a) it added probably at least 2 kilos of weight and (b) I only traveled with a carry on – no big bag. But when one lives in a French-speaking country and then visits Ireland…there is no choice. I swear.

P.S. The books were on sale, I’m talking 1/3 of the regular price, so basically I got 6 for the price of 2. Definitely check out used books section in Chapters if in Dublin.

Are your favorite authors from one country? Is there a specific genre that you just love to read? Do you read challenging books, if so got any tips? Have you ever overdone it on the shopping while abroad?

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11 thoughts on “When in Ireland…buy books from thy favorite Irish authors

  1. oh, what a coincidence! i had a layover in ireland last month, and was walking around the airport bookstore wishing i knew which irish authors to scoop up. now i know 😉


  2. Are you interested in screenplays at all? When I studied abroad in Ireland for a semester, I took a class in Irish screenplays, most of them written by female authors. I especially enjoyed The Mai by Marina Carr. Actually, anything by Marina Carr is pretty good IMO.

  3. My favourite Irish author is W.B. Yeats, and I can’t wait to get over to Ireland to roam the same hills that he once walked. Although I bought Ulysses in university for an English course, I never did make it through the book. It’s still on my shelf in the basement. You’ll have to let us know what you think!

    1. Yeah, I think I’ll have to make it my own personal mission to study all Irish authors, who write in English that is. I’m soooo glad to hear I’m not the only one who hasn’t read Ulysses yet. We could make it a team effort?

      1. Hmmm, not sure that I have much desire for it, though I’ve kept it on my shelf this many years… So little time – especially at this season of the year – and so much to read always!

  4. Gotta love the Irish storytelling gene, they have it in abundance, you are making me feel nostaligic to revisit. I am planning a visit this year and must not forget to stock up on great authors. I have recently discovered John McGahern’s writing and loved Frank McCourt’s ‘Teacher Man’, and Niall Williams is an absolute favourite, I have read nearly all his books since reading ‘Four Letters of Love’. I think I need to discover a few more woman writers though, thanks for the reminder.

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