Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Proof that Brussels is a mixed bag

Brussels is the capital city of Europe, home to the European Commission, the European Parliament, NATO and many many more worldly organizations and agencies. Its seen more as a city of transit than a permanent home. I feel bad for the people who were/are born in Brussels because they always get: “you’re actually from Brussels”

Book Review: Lady in the Tower – Alison Weir

The “Lady in the Tower”, Anne Boleyn, was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England and a woman who changed England forever. Alison Weir examines in detail the circumstances leading up to Anne Boleyn’s arrest, detainment in the Tower of London, her trial and execution. There are many questions and theories behind Anne

Brussels hot spot: Place Sablon

Place du Grand Sablon is slightly off the main tourist track. A good place to go on a Sunday when looking for a little break from the busier areas of Brussels, like Grand Place. Starting from the bottom of Place Sablon, you can walk up “street” and have a hard time choosing which patio to

Brussels Grand Place Highlights

Brussels is a European city with one of the most impressive central sqaures: Grand Place. This UNESCO World Heritage site is also known as the “Grote Markt” in Flemish; “The earliest written reference to the Nedermarckt (Lower Market), as it was originally known, dates from 1174. The present name came into use in the last quarter