25 November 2024. The Moving Histories Symposium. Moving Histories [Podcast Roundtable]. The University of Windsor, Canada. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1uTooWm41DKOdqizhXMKCQ?si=e788c7d9b9ad48bc
29 October 2024: Episode 29 – Dark Tourism with Nicole Basaraba. Off Center [Podcast Interview]. The Center for Digital Narrative, University of Bergen, Norway. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0s46M574ujERAghTVk5zNH?si=N_-GWLyCS7mO7i2HI6VsUw
24 September 2024: Werewolves, Vampires & Ghosts: Supernatural Stories Across Time. [Organised Public Panel]. Trinity Arts and Humanities Research Festival 2024, The Long Room Hub. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Available on Soundcloud: https://t.co/kU82FJ52DS
29 June 2024: Dark tourism + selfie sticks = moral outrage. All the Mind [Podcast]. Austrailia Broadcasting Company (ABC). https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/allinthemind/dark-tourism-selfies-moral-outrage/103924164
15 January 2024: Embracing ‘virtual dark tourism’ could help heritage sites at risk of degradation – expert explains. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/embracing-virtual-dark-tourism-could-help-heritage-sites-at-risk-of-degradation-expert-explains-217745
31 October 2023. CBC Edmonton. [Interview]. Hauntings at home: A Q&A with researcher of virtual dark tourism. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/hauntings-at-home-a-q-a-with-researcher-of-virtual-dark-tourism-1.7012974
31 October 2023. CBC Edmonton. [Radio Interview]. Dark tourism. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/audio/1.7010873
26 October 2023. RTE Drive Time – Dark Tourism. [Radio interview]. https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22314415/
9 March 2023: Best practices for co-supervising interdisciplinary PhD students. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. [Invited Talk]
8 March 2023: Decolonising the curriculum and citational justice for female scholars. University of Birmingham, UK. [Invited Talk].
9 May 2022: “Edutainment for Dark Tourism: 11 UNESCO World Heritage Australian Convict Sites.” Dark Tourism: Memory, Pilgrimage, and the Digital Realm. [Hybrid event] Hosted by Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK.
Organiser/Host: “Research with Impact: Effectively Influencing Policy-Making Processes,” Studio Europa Maastricht, (6 October 2021).
Moderator: The International Conference on Terra Mosana Showcase (29 September, 2021), Maastricht, The Netherlands
Co-organiser/Keynote Chair: ACM Hypertext and Social Media Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Multimodality and Hypertext (1 September, 2021)
Organiser/Moderator: “Wolves at the Door” Book Launch Event (9 June 2021), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Panel Organiser/Host: “European Heritage and Identity: Stories from Border Regions.” Studio Europa Maastricht, the Netherlands (via Zoom), 15 April 2021.
Digital Storytelling for European Heritage. Women’s Researcher Festival, Maastricht University. Hosted by FEM Maastricht & Pint of Science Netherlands, 8 March 2021.
User Testing Interactive Web Documentaries: An Empirical Study and Work for the Future. International Conference for Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) 2020, Bournemouth, UK.
Creating complex digital narratives for a shared cultural heritage. Digital Humanities Conference 2019: Complexities, Utrecht, Netherlands. July 9-12, 2019.
Remixed Transmedia: A Proposed Method for Creating Non-Fiction Narratives. MIX Conference 2019: Experiential Storytelling, Bath Spa University, UK. July 1-2, 2019.
Location-based digital storytelling. Famine Irish Archiving and Digital Storytelling. Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. June 27, 2019
Heritage Trail Mobile Apps. Experts Meeting for the National Famine Way Project. Strokestown, Roscommon, Ireland. May 24, 2019
Digital Humanities Workshop: Theory and Practice of Distant Reading. How to use Voyant Tools to conduct big data text analysis. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. March 7, 2019.
Digital Storytelling and Co-creative Media: Public Participation in Cultural Heritage. Digital Media Research Centre Summer School, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. February 11-15, 2019.
A Framework for Creative Teams of Non-fiction Interactive Digital Narrative. International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Dec. 4-7, 2018.
Co-constructing Cultural Heritage Through a Web-based Interactive Digital Narrative. Doctoral Consortium, International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. December 2-3, 2018.
Interactive Digital Narratives (IDN) for Cultural Heritage Tourism. Knowledge and Data Engineering Group (KDEG) Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. November 7, 2017.
Public Humanities Workshop poster by Jane Ohlmeyer and Nicole Basaraba. DARIAH Innovation Forum, Aarhus, Denmark. November 4-7, 2017.
Transmedia Storytelling Applied to IDN for Cultural Heritage Tourism. Transmedia Earth Conference: Global Convergence Cultures, EAFIT University, Medellin, Colombia. October 11-13, 2017.
Using Multimodal IDN to Inspire Participation in Cultural Heritage. Bremen Conference on Multimodality: Combining Multimodal analysis from international perspectives, Bremen University, Germany. September 20-22, 2017.
Multimodal and Transdisciplinary Research in Non-Fiction Transmedial Narratology. 5th International Conference of the ENN: Narrative and Narratology – Metamorphosing the Structures, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic. September 13-15, 2017.
Creating online book communities through new media marketing (Paper). Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2016, University of Calgary, Alberta, May 28, 2016.
Understanding New Media Convergence Culture in Digital Storytelling on YouTube (Paper). Rundle Summit 2016, Banff Centre, Alberta, February 19, 2016.2013
Book Trailers – Turning Viewers into Readers. University of Alberta’s Graduate Research Symposium. May 20, 2014.
More than Belgian Chocolate: The Ultimate Payoff to Working Abroad (Seminar). University of Alberta’s International Week, Edmonton, Canada, January 28, 2013.
International Affairs Speed Networking Panel: Discussing potential career paths that relate to international relations and working abroad. University of Alberta’s International Week, Edmonton, Canada, January 22, 2013.
Writing Studies 101 – New Course (poster). Festival of Teaching, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. January 27, 2009.