Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Book Review: A Summer in Europe by Marilyn Brant

Marilyn Brant’s “A Summer in Europe” takes you on a grand tour of Europe through Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria and the United Kingdom and its perfect for those whole enjoy armchair travel. The story synopsis: On her 30th birthday, Gwendolyn Reese receives an unexpected present from her widowed Aunt Bea: a grand tour of Europe

‘A Summer in Europe’ Adventure: Brussels, Belgium

It is an honor to welcome Marilyn Brant, award-winning women’s fiction author of “According to Jane” (2009) and “Friday Mornings at Nine” (2010) here to talk about her newest release: “A Summer in Europe” (2011) and her experiences traveling in Brussels, Belgium.  Many thanks to Nicole for inviting me to visit today—it’s wonderful to be

Special Guest Announcement and Call for Guest Posts #row80

Big News for Uni-Verse-City!!! I am almost jumping up and down in anticipation to host Marilyn Brant, award-winning women’s fiction author of “According to Jane” (2009), “Friday Mornings at Nine” (2010) and her newest release: “A Summer in Europe” (2011) here at Uni-Verse-City on 9 January 2012. She will be talking about her new book