Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

The end is in sight – ROW80 check in

We’re coming up to less that two weeks left of this round. Where did the time go? I know that January and February flew by for me. So I mentioned a few check-in’s ago that I might finish the first draft of my novel by the end of this round of ROW80. Well I am

Second Novelitis – ROW80 check-in

Last week I came down with “second novelitis”. While I only have a few chapters left to write of my first novel, I had flashes of ideas for a second. I’ve had these flashes for a few months now and I normally (a) email the idea to mysef or (b) write it down on the

Thoughts on Pinterest and Row80 check in

So we’re half way through A Round of Words in 80 Days Writing Challenge and thankfully I made my weekly word count goal, just surpassing the 5,000 mark. I only wrote three evenings this week though so it still feels like I slacked off. I came down with a cold on Thursday so I sort

Eye on the Prize – ROW80 check in

So I just ran the numbers from last week’s three sprints and I was surprised to see that I surpassed by 5,000 weekly word goal with 6,100 words. Nice little treat for the end of the week and here I was feeling guilty that I missed a sprint and thought that I hadn’t written enough

Weighing the options #ROW80 check in

So on the writing front, I didn’t do so hot this week. I missed a sprint or two on the #row80 hashtag. I think I got about 2600 words this week. Only half my weekly goal. While the WIP fell on the lower end of the scale, I’ve been doing better on my other goals.