Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Turning over a new leaf before 2015

A colleague of mine said to me last week: “When you commit to something you don’t do it in moderation do you?” I laughed and then I starting thinking about what she said. She’s right. When I’m on track, I’m on track! I’ve blogged a lot less frequently because most of my free time is now

BlogWest Conference – Meeting the moneymakers

I attended one day of the BlogWest Conference this weekend and I have to admit that this is the first conference I have attended out of personal interest. Since it was a Canadian bloggers conference the scope was wide an generalist. I heard presentations from a CTV Anchorwoman (Erin Isfeld), a life coach, a inspirational

Book Clubs and ROW80 check in

So I was chatting with a friend over dinner and we got onto the topic of what the other was reading. We both said how we would love to be in a book club or to start a book club. I like to be in book clubs where I would read stories that I normally

Writing Daily – Keeping the machine well oiled

So I’ve been bad. Bad probably since about March 2012. It haven’t been completely abstaining from writing, but I sure have taken my time to: take a break from fiction writing think about new fiction ideas debate whether or not to edit novel #1 move back to Canada get full-time employment in Canada settle back