Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Exploring Dublin, Ireland

Ireland is a country that I’ve always wanted to visit since I was kid. As most people know, Dublin is the capital city and is the most often visited by tourists. Of course going to Ireland, I wanted to visit Dublin, but I was more interested and excited about seeing other parts of Ireland –

Promiscuous Christmas Tree

I went shopping the other day. It wasn’t for Christmas presents, but for groceries. But the grocery stores can be fun too; with the christmas decorations, shelves displaying gift baskets, poinsettias, cool gadgets and toys for kids. I like going anywhere during the Christmas season. However, this year the experience is different in Brussels. I

Ms. Domestic at 22 years

Saturday Morning, wake up at 7:30am. No alarm clock needed, biological alarm clock on time for work. Get up, put bedsheets in the washer. Have a cup of coffee on the balcony. Check emails. Reply to some emails. Check blog stats. Eat breakfast. Wash dishes from breakfast. Shower. Fill bucket with warm soapy water. Wipe