Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Growing Social Networks – Comparing theories

This will be my last blog post for my Communications 506 coursework, but it definitely is not my last blog post at The Chron-nicoles. This semester I learned about the theory and structures that make up social networks. Having been someone who was using: WordPress blogs, Twitter, Facebook pages, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Goodreads, YouTube, Klout, and

Guest blogging to build social capital

A recent article by Matt Cutts titled “The Decay and Fall of Guest Blogging for SEO” has sparked some readers/bloggers to ask if guest blogging should cease completely. As Matt clarified in his post, he was speaking specifically to those who were using “guest blogging” as a way to increase SEO and ‘cheat’ Google’s PageRank.

3 Ways to Succeed at Personal Branding

Welcome to Writing/Communications Wednesdays. Before I started my Masters program in Communications and Technology, I thought I was digitally literate and taking a course in “Using/Managing Social Networks” and “New Media Narratives” this term I’ve learned a lot so far about fitting in with the digital communications community. Theory vs. Practice – Social Networking not

Social Networking for Businesses – Building Consumer Trust

Welcome to writing/communications Wednesday. Today’s post is on the theme of Safety in social media networks as we are looking at this topic this week in my “Communications 506 – Using/Managing Communications networks” course. “Safety is the motivation to derive support from one’s social environment” (Kadushin, 2012, p. 72). Social media users like to feel safe