Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Martisor – March 1st a Romanian celebration

March 1st is a Romanian holiday that is referred to as Mărțișor (pronounced kind of like “mart-see-shore”). From what I’ve seen through celebrating with Romanians, Mărțișor marks the beginning of spring and is also associated with women and fertility as a means of life and continuity. The tradition is also seen in Moldova and variations of Mărțișor

Spring is here – Festival of the Iris in Brussels

Two days of free concerts, activities, clowns, magicians, costumed performers, and buzz in Brussels center is happening this weekend. The Festival of the Iris/Iris Day (Fête de l’Iris) is a celebration of the symbol of Brussels. On January 12, 1989 a new law created the Brussels Capital Region on the territory of 19 municipalities and the

Belgian Spring Fashion

So going around town this weekend I noticed a change in wardrobe. The weather is improving in Brussels. I even put the heavy sweaters in the back of the closet this weekend. I saw quite a few ladies in skirts. What stood out to me in particular was that many girls were wearing kool-aid coloured