Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


For the love of Oscar and ROW80

So I’m been moaning and groaning that living in Belgium, I have missed not once, but twice the Academy Awards/Oscars and this year will be the third. Living in Brussels, I have no access to an online broadcast and thus, no option to watch them. I’m usually not one to get crazy about TV or

Book Review: Thanks for the Memories – By Cecelia Ahern

Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern adheres to her usual style with elements of magic and love in the story, but what really made this book stand out for me was the humor and the twist near the end. Synopsis: How can you know someone you’ve never met? Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn’t.

The Women’s Fiction Mystique – Guest Post by Amy Sue Nathan

Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic – A mountain city for rest and relaxation

Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad in English, but I like the Czech name better), is famous for its hot springs, with a dozen main springs, about 300 smaller springs and its warm Teplá River, which runs through the center of the city. Karlovy Vary, which translated means “Charles’ Bath” was named after Charles IV, King of Bohemia

Thoughts on Pinterest and Row80 check in

So we’re half way through A Round of Words in 80 Days Writing Challenge and thankfully I made my weekly word count goal, just surpassing the 5,000 mark. I only wrote three evenings this week though so it still feels like I slacked off. I came down with a cold on Thursday so I sort