Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


For the love of Oscar and ROW80

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So I’m been moaning and groaning that living in Belgium, I have missed not once, but twice the Academy Awards/Oscars and this year will be the third. Living in Brussels, I have no access to an online broadcast and thus, no option to watch them.

I’m usually not one to get crazy about TV or famous people (ok maybe just a little), but I love the Academy Awards. There’s just something so special and exciting about bringing together all the stars, who dress in the most amazing outfits, not only for a chance to win an achievement award in thier craft, be it acting, directing, costume design, music, etc., but they also seem to have a lot of fun.

I like the Academy Awards so much that I even watch most of the red carpet pre-show, which just builds the excitement. I’m thankful that the show runs three plus hours because the more the better….except maybe when someone’s acceptance speech runs a little too long. I say cue the exit music if they’re really rambling, but if they prepared a good speech, why not give them the extra minute or two, don’t worry, I can wait for the next commercial break to re-fill my snacks.

I subscribe to Elle Canada magazine’s e-newsletter and thankfully, they will be keeping Twitter (#ELLECaOscars) updated with interviews, commenting on the fashion and hopefully everything Oscar. At least I can tune in somehow. Of course I will miss all of the host’s funny jokes, the performances, acceptance speeches, seeing everyone dressed up, the soundbites from nominated actors walking down the red carpet….ok I’m still sad I’m missing it. Sigh.

As for my love of ROW80, well if it weren’t for Kait Nolan and the rest of the ROW80 crew, I would not be 6 chapters away from finishing my first novel. I wrote 3,500 words this week, less than my 5,000 weekly goal. I missed the mark not because I was depressed about missing the Oscars, but because I skipped my usual sprint on Monday. How big of a difference it makes to have a schedule and stick to it. Tomorrow I will start the week on track and maybe even play some catch up later today.

If any of you know how I can get more Oscars, please leave the tips in the comments below. Will you be watching the Awards instead of writing?

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15 thoughts on “For the love of Oscar and ROW80

  1. Sad face on getting to see the Oscars! I have to admit, the last time I watched was in 2009 when Hugh Jackman hosted (I know, you’re shocked). Still, I am waving the pom poms wildly for your writing update. 6 chapters from the end of your novel? This is such FANTASTIC news!

  2. Youtube an option? May not be the best flow but there are always a ton of vid’s on major events like this.

    You’re doing fantastic, Nicole – keep up the great work and kudo’s on nearing the completion of your novel 🙂

  3. I’m not a big Oscars fan, and I think it’s awesome you’ve been able to live in Belgium. Think about that privilege:) And woohoo on being so close to finishing the first novel! That’s awesome. Keep at it:)

  4. I love the Oscars, too, and tonight believe it or not I am 100 miles from Los Angeles and will be at a rehearsal when the biggest awards are given out! I am attending the beginning of an Oscar party (I’ll be thinking of you & sending Oscar Love Vibes.) Like you, I enjoy awards shows from start to finish. I don’t complain like many people complain. Watching in groups makes it even more fun… and since I am active in the theater community here, many are very well versed in all aspects of film making, too, so the commentary at the party is fast, furious and very frequently quite funny as well.

    Oh, now that is done… YAY for your progress. LOVE to hear that. And YES! Our Sprints have made such a difference for me, too. It has gotten to the point that I include them on my “meetings” list and tell people I am always busy between 11 and Noon. Tomorrow I have a nature writing date… said I couldn’t meet up until 12:15…. #teamsprinty comes first!

  5. It does stink to miss the pomp and circumstance! Hopefully you tube will have some stuff for you and maybe eonline.com too
    6-chapters away, cool!! fly fingers fly!! 3,500 words that is still very impressive.

  6. I can take or leave the awards but I suspect I’ll be tuning in 🙂 Sorry you’ll miss them but I think I’d trade for a chance to live overseas. Spent 30 hours in Brussels once. Definitely not enough time!

    Way to go on the writing! All the best for the upcoming week.

  7. Aww, I’m so sad you can’t watch the show! I’ve got it on right now and am multitasking with my blog reading (actually, I’m still on the red carpet part, once the show starts I’ll get off the computer).

    Congrats on being so close to the end of your book!

  8. These days, I tend to check the web the morning after and watch tidbits, view red carpet photos, see the winners, etc. After a while, it seems that the speeches all sound the same. And this past year, I saw so few movies in the theater that I wasn’t invested in the results. That said, it’s a shame that you didn’t at least have the option to watch the Oscars!

    Good for you on the word count. I fell short of my goal last week as well, but plan to make up for that this week. Best wishes with ROW80!

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