Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


A Girl’s Best Valentine

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I didn’t know that I was going to write a Valentines post. I have read quite of few people’s posts about Valentines day, particularly about their worst Valentine’s Day experience and those posts just so happened to be written by girls. But this post is about a girl’s best valentine.

I’ve never been the type to anticipate Valentine’s Day; wondering if I was going to get any cards, candy or flowers. I remember when I was a girl, a young girl. I would come home on Valentines Day after receiving little cards from everyone in my class. I would go shopping with mom before     V-Day to pick out some cards. I can’t remember if I chose any particular cartoon character. There may have been some Lion King themed cards one year, but I can’t remember if I gave them or received them. I do remember that every Valentines Day from grades 1-6 we would all make a decorated envelope with our name on it and tape it on the side of our desk.  Then sometime during the day, we would walk around to each desk and put the cute little cards with cute little sayings into the envelopes. Not only was this fun, but we also got to open all the cards during class time. I would read each one, which were each signed in some slanted or scribbled way by my classmates.

I would take all of the cards home in my fancy envelope to show my parents. I remember after dinner, Dad would ask me “will you be my valentine?” and he would give me a box of pink and red smarties and a package of cinnamon hearts. For my brother the same. I remember these Valentines Days as the best. The innocence of love.

Back then no girls were crying or upset or delving into buckets of ice cream or boxes of heart-shaped chocolate. Now the girls seem to remember their disappointments when their at-the-time boyfriend didn’t get them any chocolates or flowers or even acknowledge the day, or they forgot, or they say that’s a “commercial holiday”. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones because boyfriend or not, for me Valentines has always been a day of warmth. A day where you can feel the heightened energy of people and when you could be lucky enough to get a little something from your dad or mom. 

This Valentine’s, just like the last, I came home after work to find a pink envelope in the mailbox. I wasn’t sure but I had an idea, it was a Valentine from Mom. And so it was. A lovely pink card with hearts on it. With a nice little message in the inside and a special handwritten message from her. The happiness I felt as a little on Valentines Day came back and it was enhanced by the fact that my mom is currently so far away.

So ladies if you’re dateless this Valentine’s Day, or even if you’re not, consider giving a valentine to those who have loved and will love you on February 14 and every other day.

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