Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Book Review: A Year to Remember by Shelly Bell

Being the first e-published book I’ve read, I was not disappointed with A Year to Remember by Shelly Bell. I didn’t see one typo and the formatting was perfect, but that’s only the technicalities, the story captivated my interest and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened to the protagonist Sara Friedman. Synopsis: When

Book Review: Last Chance Saloon – by Marian Keyes

Last Chance Saloon is one of Keyes’ earlier works. The 4th work of fiction out of her current 12, this story seemed to be tighter. I enjoy Keyes’ writing because there are always so many great characters to get to know and follow around. This book didn’t have as many funny parts as her later

Book Review: Anybody Out There? By Marian Keyes

So apparently I’ve been out of the loop on Marian Keyes’ books. The first book I picked up by Keyes was The Other Side of the Story, which is still my favorite, although Angels comes in at a close second, and it is one of her later works. All of her books are stand alone