Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


A Weekend Getaway in De Haan, Belgium

Today I’m guest posting, so head over to: Jolyse Barnett’s Margarita Moments & Other Escapes to read the full post. Here’s a sneak peak: While the weather isn’t known to be the best in Belgium, ok its not known to even be good, but when the sun decides to make an appearance most people head to the

Ladies and gents time to visit Ghent, Belgium

Ghent, is a flemish city, which spelled in the native language is Gent, but pronounced like gent not jents. Anyways, every summer in July Ghent has a huge festival, this year its between the 16-25 of July. The festival takes up most of the space in the city center. With booths lining the streets with

Brussels Tourism: Atomium

The Atomium is one of the “attractions” that I would recommend skipping if your on a tighter traveling schedule. Yes its nice and somewhat interesting, but I’d have to say its more impressive on the outside than inside. Its better to take a photo in front of the Atomium, admire its shininess and then go