Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Writers’ Uni-Verse-City – A semester in review

Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for

October Fall back – ROW80 Check in

So yesterday was “set-the-clocks back” day here in Brussels. And what does that mean? That means and extra hour to steal for yourself to relax, read, watch a movie and procrastinate writing right? Last week‘s ROW80 check in, I mentioned that I had a lot of plotting to do. Well I spent Monday and Tuesday

The Pros Do the Finish Work – Guest post by Jenny Hansen

Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for

Entering unchartered territory – ROW80 check in

There is one thing about being a plotter: you know the details of the story before you get there. As I’ve learned from reading James Scott Bell’s book “Plot & Structure“, I’m a as-far-as-the-headlights-reach type of plotter, which means that I plot detailed chapter outlines about 5-10 chapters in advance. Enough so that I can

Frankfurt Book Fair 2011

When in Belgium….take advantage of the shorter distance to get to the Frankfurt Book Fair. Pretty much everyone has heard of the the Frankfurt Book Fair, I think its safe to say that even my parents all the way on the west side of North America know what it is. But if you haven’t heard,