Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


All reading and no writing makes Nicole feel unproductive

I’m currently in between writing projects at the moment. I finished the first draft of my novel and I decided to take a short break from writing fiction. I’m currently reading “Writing the Breakout Novel” by Donald Mass and I’m starting to write down some ideas for my next novel. Progress this week: I think

Review of the Round – ROW80 check in

What a week for the ROW80 crew! Such exciting news that Kait Nolan‘s (indie) book Red was nominated for DABWAHA. It was also the last full week of this Round of ROW80. Yes we have today, and three days this coming week to bring her home. But for some reason I seem to fizzle out

The end is in sight – ROW80 check in

We’re coming up to less that two weeks left of this round. Where did the time go? I know that January and February flew by for me. So I mentioned a few check-in’s ago that I might finish the first draft of my novel by the end of this round of ROW80. Well I am