Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Have a Johnny Depp-a-thon Halloween

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Grab your pillowcases full of candy!

I was looking for some scary movies to watch in spirit of Halloween. I’ve watched pretty much everything in terms of movies – I don’t stick to just one genre. What I found is that there are A LOT of movies starring Johnny Depp, which I don’t know if I’d really classify them as scary. For me scary is more along the lines of the Saw series and the Exorcism. I’ve seen the Halloween movies and the other killer-on-the-loose types, but I’d rather eat Halloween candy in peace without the fear of choking or flinging the popcorn bowl up five feet in the air.

I prefer Johnny’s darker movies because at least there is a little more substance than just blood and guts or the freak-you-out demonic possession to pump up the tension. Not to mention the extra candy that comes with these movies, if you catch my drift ladies? 

So as a result of my search, I will present to you my recommended picks for a Johnny-Depp-a-thon Halloween.

The Ninth Gate (1999)

Synopsis: Dean Corso (Depp), a rare book dealer with the motivation of financial gain, is hired by rich book collector, Boris Balkan to find the last two copies of a demon text, The Ninth Gate. The search taking Corso to Madrid and Paris draws him into a conspiracy with supernatural overtones.

Anaylsis: I haven’t seen this one either, but it sounds like a mystery thriller with some scary moments. I’m loving the sound of the story hopping around Europe. You get cobblestones, streetlamps, dark alleys and maybe some accents. Somehow whenever demons are thrown into the mix, I get the feeling that the heart will be pumping faster throughout the movie. So maybe this one goes higher on the list to be watched earlier in the evening so that you can relax later or maybe it could be the finale if you want to end the night with the chance of impending nightmares.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEWNm8spx0c]
Sleepy Hallow (1999)

Synopsis: Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) is sent to investigate the decapitations of three people in the town of Sleepy Hollow, the home of the legendary apparition, the Headless Horseman.

Analysis: This movie has the great setting of the town of Sleepy Hallow, which has old wooden houses, a big church and a surrounding forest ladden with fallen leaves. You won’t be biting your nails in the anticipation of the ending, but there is a definately love story subplot and its a good movie to set the mood for Halloween. 


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYHt8SdUj-U]


From Hell (2001)

Synopsis: In Victorian Era London, a police detective (Johnny Depp) investigates the murders by Jack The Ripper.

Analysis: Hmm sounds a bit familiar. BUT, what more could you want from a movie? Victorian Era in London…ummm yeah! This means fun clothing, sexy accents and horse-drawn carriages on cobblestoned streets at night lit only by streetlamps. Eeiry isn’t it. In addition to this you have the mystery of the unsolved murders of *whispers* prostitutes *end whisper*. You have Inspector Frederick Abberline (Johnny Depp) trying to figure out who the killer is, which can only be described as thrilling. There is also the intrigue of a love interest for the detective – Mary Kelly (Heather Graham), who works in the same profession as those being murdered. And an appearance the the Hobbit, I mean Ian Holm as Sir William Gull. This one will get you on the edge your seat to find out who is the killer.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw8US3gS37w]

Secret Window (2004)

Synopsis: Mystery writer, Mort Rainey (Depp) is accused of plagarism by a strange man who starts stalking him and becoming more violent for justice.

Anaylsis: Not only is it fun for a regular view to watch, but especially for a writer. Set in a secluded lake-side cabin, the movie adds another level of excitement. John Tururro as John Shooter really gives you the creeps and Mort Rainey’s desparate scramble to prove Shooter wrong is gripping. Now this movie is a true mystery.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5PWbTseMx0]

Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) 

Synopsis: In the Victorian London (again YES!), Benjamin Barker is a barber and is married to Lucy and they have a lovely child, Johanna. Lucy’s beauty attracts the attention of the corrupt Judge Turpin, who falsely accuses Benjamin Barker of a crime that he did not commit and abuses Lucy. After 15 years in exile, Benjamin returns to London under the new identity of Sweeney Todd, seeking revenge against Turpin.

Analysis: I’m not thrilled about revenge stories, but watching the trailer for this movie instantly makes you want to watch it. It looks intriguing and a man on a mission is always fun to watch.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hgrfZVlJA]

Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Synopsis: 19-year old Alice falls down the rabbit hole in her garden to find herself in the “Underland,” which resembles the nightmares she had as a child, filled with talking animals, villainous queens and knights, and other creatures.

Analysis: I remember watching the cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland when I growing up. This movie ups the creepy factor showing a dark underworld full of vivid creatures and people. Although I haven’t seen it, and I want to, I can tell you just by watching the trailer that you’ll have to load up on the Halloween candy as the eye candy is lacking in this movie. But I would love to see Tim Burton’s real-life version being a grown up now. I’m sure it will give viewers the eebie-jeebies.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9POCgSRVvf0]

More Johnny Depp movies

Pirates of the Caribbean - Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean - Captain Jack Sparrow

Other Johnny Depp movies, which are probably pretty popular around Halloween, but haven’t sparked my personal interest to watch are Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), which is a little older, and Corpse Bride (2005), which is animated. Another you may consider is Edward Sissorhands (1990), but I find this one to be more sweet than scary. And if these aren’t enough or you’re looking for something more PG to watch with the kids or maybe you prefer lighter movies yourself, you can throw in the Pirates of the Carribean movies (I think there are 4 out now), because who doesn’t want to be a pirate at least once for Halloween and in these movies, Johnny can be seen at his best. Another good one is Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory because Johnny did have the whole creepy vibe going on in this one too and it involves a chocolate factory so what could be a more prefect movie for Halloween?

So you see, I found a lot of Johnny Depp movies that would be great to watch, rent or buy for a Johnny Depp-a-thon Halloween.

What’s on your to-watch list this Halloween? What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? What’s your preferred Halloween candy?

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13 thoughts on “Have a Johnny Depp-a-thon Halloween

  1. So much fun- I don;t think I’ve seen secret window and some of them like from Hell and The Ninth Gate it’s been such a long time that I should see them again 🙂 That from the Depp-alicious list *snickers*

  2. I’m interested in Sleepy Hollow, as a former upstate-New Yorker and lover of romance. The other movie that looks compelling is The Secret Window. I like mysteries, as opposed to horror films.

    Thanks for sharing all these great flicks, Nicole. Now I know how husband and I will celebrate the holiday. 🙂

  3. I’ve seen quite a few of these 🙂 I love Sleepy Hallow and need to watch it again. From Hell was a bit disturbing but I like movies (and books) about Victorian Era London. And of course the Pirates of the Carribean plus Alice in Wonderland are always fun to watch.

  4. Oh, this sounds wonderful! I’ve seen Sweeney Todd, but I haven’t seen the others yet. I will have to etch out some time (once I get through my daily NaNo word count) to check these out.

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