Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


People’s Choice Awards for blogs

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I have hit a few milestones in blogging: my blog turned 1-year’s old in August this year, I’ve started to get more comments on my posts which is lots of fun and I’ve met lots of great people. And now I’ve hit another milestone: I’ve received the Liebster Blog Award.

I have been participating in the Round of Words in 80 days writer’s challenge and another participant, Em, has chosen me for the Liebster Blog Award. I like to think of blog awards as the “People’s Choice Awards for blogs” because what a better way to spread/share the love than to give someone an award. I don’t know all the official rules of receiving the Liebster Blog Award, but Em lists the following rules on her blog:

  1. Show your appreciation to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the camaraderie of the supportive people on the internet.
  5. And best of all—have fun blogging and pass it on.

I think everyone has their own way of accepting an award and what they do afterwards. For example, check out Gene Lemp’s post on the subject of blog awards.

So this post could be considered my grateful acceptance speech and I have decided that I will proudly display the Liebster Blog Award on my sidebar and treat it like the glass trophies given to the winners at the People’s Choice Awards.

The Liebster Blog Award. I’m quite ashamed that I don’t actually know what it means. The general consensus is that the word “Liebster” is German. It could mean “friend”, “beloved”, or as one german-speaking award winner said “favorite” or “dearest”.

Basically I’m going to sum it up as: people like your blog, the choose you as an award recipient and so its the “People’s Choice Awards for blogs”. The next step is choosing another five bloggers to give the award to. Its a hard decision, but even though one can only pick five, hopefully the circle will come back around to the others.

1) Jolyse Barnett – a lady who is a traveler and a writer just like me. I love her Margarita Moments & Other Escapes.

2) Catherine Larose – is an inspirational writer and someone who, like me, enjoys spending time in cafes.

3) Jenny Hansen – a fellow women’s fiction writer, who is also a “techy” like me (I’m a web content editor) and she’s always getting more cobwell.

4) Marcia Richards – he blog posts are always interesting and her blog’s tagline: Sexy. Smart. From The Heart. describes her writing and personality perfectly.

5) Piper Baynard – a social butterfly and a veteran blogger. I don’t know how she continually writes such fascinating high-quality blog posts on so many topics. (Well she does have a partner in crime though – Holmes).

So ladies, thank you for posting such great content on your blogs and for being so friendly. I hope you are happy to receive this person’s choice for the Liebster Blog Award.

Post update (14 Sept. 2011): I’ve recently been awarded the Versatile Blogger award from both Susan Barclay and Lissa Clouser. Thank you ladies!

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15 thoughts on “People’s Choice Awards for blogs

  1. Nicole, I’m so excited! Congrats on receiving this awesome award and a big ‘thank you’ for choosing me as one of your five awardees! I’m in great company, too. I’ll post it on my blog and choose five other recipients, linking back to you. Very cool! Thanks again, Nicole!

  2. I’d like to thank the Academy of #myWANA and #ROW80….

    Seriously, Nicole, this is AWESOME! Not only because I think you ROCK but also because you’ve put me into a line-up with people I admire so much. (I always tell Piper “my blog wants to be like hers when it grows up.)

    We blog for many reasons but a HUGE one for me is the sharing and community I’ve found with people like you. Thank you for my Liebster…I’ll display it proudly (once I get the how and where figured out).

    1. You’re so funny! I would like to thank the Academy of #mywana and #ROW80 too.

      I also want my blog to grow up and I hope being part of the academy and studying from the masters will help. 🙂 The community is definitely the most rewarding part of blogging. I think we should through a #ROW80 completion twitter party!

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