Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Influential Bloggers – Niches and monetization

Welcome to writing/communications Wednesdays. Last Spring I went to a blogging conference (BlogWest 2013). It was a general conference about a variety of topics related to blogging. One of my biggest take-aways from the conference was hearing from the leaders in the “Mommy Blogging” niche. This week in Understanding Social Networks by Kadushin (2012), I

BlogWest Conference – Meeting the moneymakers

I attended one day of the BlogWest Conference this weekend and I have to admit that this is the first conference I have attended out of personal interest. Since it was a Canadian bloggers conference the scope was wide an generalist. I heard presentations from a CTV Anchorwoman (Erin Isfeld), a life coach, a inspirational

Communications Today: How people come across in writing and ROW80 check in

People communicate in so many ways through writing these days that different forms and even “languages” have been created. I think how someone writes reflects on their person whether for good or bad and some people seem to forget that others are only meeting their “writing persona”. As a communications professional and a writer, this

Writing Daily – Keeping the machine well oiled

So I’ve been bad. Bad probably since about March 2012. It haven’t been completely abstaining from writing, but I sure have taken my time to: take a break from fiction writing think about new fiction ideas debate whether or not to edit novel #1 move back to Canada get full-time employment in Canada settle back