Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Labrador Retrievers – They’re Canadian

Welcome Canadian Thursdays, the day of the week when I talk about something or someone you may or may not have known is Canadian. It always surprises me when someone doesn’t know what a Labrador Retriever is, especially if they’re a Canadian. Labradors are most commonly referred to as labs and I happen to have

Actor Kevin Zegers – He’s Canadian

Welcome Canadian Thursdays, the day of the week when I talk about something or someone you may or may not have known is Canadian. So this is the first edition of Canadian Thursdays. Being a Canadian who lived in Belgium for 2.5 years, I’ve written a lot about my travels and I will continue to

Happy Turkey Day and ROW80 check in

Well the October 5th ROW80 Twitter party ROCKED! There was snacks and drinks, music and of course lots of dancing. There were so many funny tweets going around that was laughing out loud. On the night of the Twitter party, I also stopped by on a networking event in Brussels. I met some Americans and

10 Random Facts About Nicole Basaraba

What’s one quick way of learning about someone you’ve met on the internet? Sharing 10 random facts about yourself and then “tagging” other online friends to do the same. The lovely Marcia Richards, tagged me to write 10 random things about myself. So here it goes… 1o. I love watersports. I’m not so much into

Proof that Brussels is a mixed bag

Brussels is the capital city of Europe, home to the European Commission, the European Parliament, NATO and many many more worldly organizations and agencies. Its seen more as a city of transit than a permanent home. I feel bad for the people who were/are born in Brussels because they always get: “you’re actually from Brussels”