Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Review of the Round – ROW80 check in

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What a week for the ROW80 crew! Such exciting news that Kait Nolan‘s (indie) book Red was nominated for DABWAHA. It was also the last full week of this Round of ROW80. Yes we have today, and three days this coming week to bring her home. But for some reason I seem to fizzle out rather than go out with a bang. I’m more of a start out with a bang kinda girl.

So since I check in on Sundays, I think it I should review all my goals just to see how far I’ve come this round.

Goal 1 : Work on my nobel from 8:00pm to 9:00pm Monday-Thursday. So I did better this round in trying to work four days a week instead of three. I probably fulfilled this about 70% of the time, which is an improvement from the last few rounds. Setting a designated time to write really helped be buckle down rather than just telling myself that I should write every evening with no set plan on when. #teamsprinty was also a major boost in terms of word count and fun. We happened to tune in on the #row80 hastag at the same time each day to write together. It really does fuel you to make progress. So yay for #teamsprinty and see you next round when the clocks go forward in Europe! (Because the clocks sprang forward in the US a few weeks before they do in Europe, I’ve been missing the word sprints). This week I wrote 3780 words (out of my weekly goal of 5,000).

Goal 2: Finish my novel. I have to say I’m soooo close. The end is in sight. Its so exciting, yet somehow sad, to see only three plotted chapters waiting to be written. I’ve slowed down on my writing so that (a) the ending doesn’t feel rushed (b) because its hard to write the ending and (c) I think I’m savoring it because after I write “The End” I think I will have a moment of “I can’t believe I did it! I wrote a whole book!”

Goal 3: Blog 3 times per week. I kept up with this for the most part, save for the last few weeks. I think I know that the end is near for the book and its taking more resources so blogging has been reduced for the time being. ALTHOUGH the Literary Genre Blog Series is still in full swing.

Goal 4: Come up with new weekly blog topic. I write travel stories on Mondays, Writing on Wednesdays, Lifestyle/Book Reviews on Fridays and NOW I have finally thought of a new weekly topic. Not sure if I will announce it here yet because I feel it needs a little more pre-meditating before I declare the theme. It will probably be on Thursdays or Fridays.

Goal 5: Maintain ROW80 Sponsor duties. I did pretty good on this front. I tend to visit at least twice as many blogs than required of sponsors on Sundays. It was great reading about everyone’s progress and meeting new ROWers.

Goal 6: Keeping up with social media. I think I’ve improved here a bit. I’m now on Triberr, which I’ve delved into a bit more, but I know I’m not using to its full capacity yet. All in good time. I’ve been reading lots of blogs, but still need to comment more often. I’m one of those silent readers.

I’ve also done lots of reading. Mostly fiction, but I I’m trying to read them as a writer and not to be entertained, which still happens anyway. But it takes some concentration to really think about what the author is doing.

So that’s about it for this round. I will be dropping by the other ROWers check ins and hopefully I will get another chapter or two written in the last few days of this round.

See you in Round 2!

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15 thoughts on “Review of the Round – ROW80 check in

  1. Well done, Nicole. I have also been a lurker on many Row 80 posts. Why? Despite the official invitation to admit we change goals, have a life, and make missteps, my goals (and accomplishments) changed dramatically in the early stages.

    I also never determined how to post ROW80 without the post going to followers who are friends and not writers. Better stated, I didn’t take the time to learn how to make that happen.

    KUDOS to you for embracing the ROW80 credo and serving as a sponsor.

    I love, love, love the pictures and virtual travel you provide to all those wonderful places. And, yes, I’m a teeny tiny bit envious that you get to experience them in person.

  2. Nicole, it’s always a pleasure to read your updates!

    I look forward to perusing all your travel posts as time allows (just read about the frites!) and it’s inspired me to start travel blogging as I knock around Asia this Spring… Just back from the wilds (and peaceful islands) of Borneo, and off to Hong Kong and Malaysia, so lots of material to work with…

    Good job on what you’ve achieved with your goals so far, and best of luck in the next round! I will be sure to drop you a line next time I’m in Brussels…


  3. Great work on almost finishing the novel! I bet you’ll be so elated when you finally write that last page… At least until you think to yourself, “Okay… Now for the revision :D” Good luck for the rest of the round 🙂

  4. You had a great round, Nicole. So happy your thisclose to finishing. I know you’ve worked really hard, and the row80 sprints have been great the few times I can join. I’m really hoping to dig in this week tho. Great job!

  5. You did very well this round, Nicole and were a fantastic sponsor. Take your time and make the ending of your book the best it can be – time matters not when the result is achieved. Having a set writing time definitely helps, it is amazing what creatures of habit we humans are and the amazing things we can accomplish once a habit is built.

    Have a fantastic couple weeks and see you in Round Two 🙂

  6. Way to go, Nicole. It’s wonderful to hear that your book is so close to the end. Take your time and enjoy every minute of the story creation. Like you, I get much more done if I have a set time to write each day. Your having #teamsprinty is a huge boost. Cheers to you, and best wishes for keeping the forward momentum in the next round!

  7. I am rending the round similarly. I felt things unraveling in mid February but rather than bow out, I have marveled in what I have done and sort of kicked the other stuff under the carpet which I will be clawing out in…. the break between rounds.

    Always enjoy writing alongside you!!

  8. It sounds like an all around amazing time and tons of progress. I think you’ve achieved amazing success and I can’t WAIT to see what you have in store for new blog topic…squeee!!! And I love how you are taking your time with the ending of your book – savor it! 🙂

  9. Fabulous progress with your goals, Nicole! It is nice when you can almost taste the end of that first draft. Hope the rest of the writing goes well. I have also loved #teamsprinty and #ROW80 word sprints. They helped a lot!

  10. I am also one of those “start with a bang” sort of gals, so I know how you feel. But we are making it across the finish line nonetheless, even if we don’t have the same rip roaring energy that we did at the beginning. 😉

    Congrats on being so close to finished with your WIP! Seriously, it is a huge accomplishment. Can’t wait till you have your time change and we can see you at #teamsprinty again. 😀

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