Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Second Novelitis – ROW80 check-in

Last week I came down with “second novelitis”. While I only have a few chapters left to write of my first novel, I had flashes of ideas for a second. I’ve had these flashes for a few months now and I normally (a) email the idea to mysef or (b) write it down on the

For the love of Oscar and ROW80

So I’m been moaning and groaning that living in Belgium, I have missed not once, but twice the Academy Awards/Oscars and this year will be the third. Living in Brussels, I have no access to an online broadcast and thus, no option to watch them. I’m usually not one to get crazy about TV or

Overheard on the #ROW80

I’ve picked up my game on the reading front with another fiction book started and a craft book that I’m just about halfway through. I already know I will re-read this craft book again. I’ve also been reading lots of blogs and commenting when possible (i.e. when Blogger lets me). Good news: The blogging series

Special Guest Announcement and Call for Guest Posts #row80

Big News for Uni-Verse-City!!! I am almost jumping up and down in anticipation to host Marilyn Brant, award-winning women’s fiction author of “According to Jane” (2009), “Friday Mornings at Nine” (2010) and her newest release: “A Summer in Europe” (2011) here at Uni-Verse-City on 9 January 2012. She will be talking about her new book

Goals for 2012 and Row80 Sponsor

Now I’ve never been the one to make New Year’s Resolutions, but I thought that stating some new goals for 2012 might a step in the right direction. Having participated in two rounds of ROW80 in 2011, I’m stepping it up a notch by being a Sponsor for A Round of Words in 80 Days