Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Traveling Europe – A Chron-nicoles tour

Being back in Canada after having lived in Belgium and traveled Europe for over two years, I’m happy to be presenting and sharing my experiences at the University of Alberta’s International Week today. Looking back at the photos of all the places I’ve been made me realize that I took a LOT of pictures and

Stonehenge – A mystery of pre-history

There is so much history and there are so many theories behind Stonehenge that this blog could run for hundreds of pages, but of course I won’t do that here. I was lucky enough to visit Stonehenge and it really is something to see. Located in the county of Wiltshire, England, the stone structure is

10 Random Facts About Nicole Basaraba

What’s one quick way of learning about someone you’ve met on the internet? Sharing 10 random facts about yourself and then “tagging” other online friends to do the same. The lovely Marcia Richards, tagged me to write 10 random things about myself. So here it goes… 1o. I love watersports. I’m not so much into