Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Cosmos Align?

So on my lunch break between the gusting showers of rain and the ominous cloud cover, I sit down on a bench in the park. After I pull out, my Cosmopolitan magazine, two Chinese ladies sit next to me on the bench.

Smart Parking

In Brussels, with its narrow streets many of which are one-way only, parking tends to be quite an experience. To find a space where someone leaves enough room to fit a normal sized car is least to say an adventure...

The Guessing Game

Well, firstly I let me tell you that in December 2009 I moved from my small hometown in Canada after I graduated university to a capital city in Europe. So where am I writing from you ask? Can you guess? Let me start by giving you some hints. I can tell you that, this European