Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Writers’ Uni-Verse-City: making connections

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Welcome to Writers’ Uni-Verse-City (or WUVC for short because every university has an acronym), a place where writers/bloggers can meet to discuss the craft of writing in the Internet age. I  want to learn what it takes to make it in the world of writing and publishing and nowadays there is a wealth of information on the web. WUVC will involve independent research, setting a curriculum and hopefully finding other participants (like you – readers/bloggers/writers) to: chip in, give tips, suggest books and other materials for study, teach me the ways of the warrior writer, and offer to guest post here at Uni-Verse-City.

The last Writers’ Uni-Verse-City looked at how writers can use social media to build an “author platform.” However, learning how to use the various social media platforms and creating an author brand this is not the only important aspect. What I find has been the most useful and fun is interacting with the other writers and bloggers using social media. Reading what they have to say, finding someone that you have so many things in common with and learning about new resources is what social media is all about.

Now I’m subscribed to a lot of blogs and I also follow a lot of blogs on Google Reader, but below you will find a list of blogs where I read every post when its posted and these writers always post something worth reading.

Bob Mayer’s Blog Write it Forward. The subtitle of the blog is “The future of publishing is here,” which accurately describes that Bob’s blog mainly concerns: e-publishing. Bob Mayer is a NYT best-selling author who co-founded “Who Dares Wins Publishing” which focuses on e-publishing. Selling over 2,000 e-books per day, Bob Mayer is someone to take advice on e-publishing from.

BookEnds, LLCA Literary Agency. This blog is primarily managed by Literary Agent Jessica Faust, owner of the BookEnds Literary Agency which focuses on fiction and nonfiction books for adult audiences. Jessica writes informative and entertaining posts from an agent’s perspective in the publishing business from queries to writing tips and snarky posts that make you smile.

Café Girl ChroniclesMostly true stories of life, love, lust and longing.  Catherine Larose is a writer who always has great posts (probably more for a female audience) and has completed a soon-to-be available book called “Any Colour but Beige.” So she also blogs about writing and her experiences with indie publishing.

Mystery Writing is Murder – Author Elizabeth Spann Craig is a laptop wielding, mystry-writing mom who metes out murder on the keyboard. She is also the creator of the oh so useful Writers’ Knowledge Base. Look out for her crazy awesome mashup posts.

Jami Gold Paranormal Author.  Jami posts great blogs on the craft of writing which always make you think. She writes very useful not-to-miss content and her popularity is proven by the multitude of comments on her posts.

Jacqui Murray’s WordDreams Say it with words, a few pictures… Jacqui offers writing tips and one of the best things about her blog is that they are short, to the point and informative. As I tend to write long-winded posts, Jacqui is a great example of how to keep the blabbering blog posts under control.

Jenny Hansen’s Bl0g Cobwell – You need more of it. Ok so we writers and bloggers aren’t really that tech savvy, so pop over to Jenny’s blog for some mind blowing tech tips and other great posts on life and writing.

Jody Hedlund Author and speaker. If you want to know what high-quality blogging looks like? Jody’s blog is where its at. As a best selling author, she consistently posts great content and her writing is very memorable. Not to mention that her blog/website design is amazing. 🙂

Kristen Lamb’s Blog Warrior Writers. The queen of social media has published two best-selling books on the subject and has gained a massive loyal following on her blog and twitter. Posting three times a week with funny and engaging content, writers flock to her website to soak in the latest tips and trends in social media.

Marcia Richards Sexy. Smart. From the heart. The lovely Marcia Richards was the first guest poster her at Uni-Verse-City. She writes blogs about writing, posts great mashups and is the co-founder of the #LifeListClub, a club of writers who set yearly goals and blog hop along their journeys while achieving these goals.

Not Just Another “Dolce Vita” – an anonymous female blogger who I always remember as “Too Tall to be Tuscan” as is written on her About page. Posting about life as a foreigner (fellow Candian)in Italy, her blogs are always intesting and reveal a lot about Italian culture. I especially like her “Word of the Day” posts, which feature an italian word along with a great ancedote.

Rachelle Gardner Literary Agent extraordinaire, one of the most popular female agents I’ve seen blogging. Her posts are down to earth and you really feel like you are “talking to her” or at least getting to know her through her writing. She provides great tips and lets the writers in on what agents want and are looking for.

She Writes – is a large community of female writers and bloggers. With over 750 members (including yours truly), there are great discussion groups and many female authors to connect with.

Writer Unboxed – a blog about the craft and business of fiction. One of the most well-known blog for writers, it continually has guest posts from amazing writers and others in the publishing industry on a variety of topics. There is always fresh content and perspectives.

Writer’s WorkshopEditorial Critiques from here to publication. founded by the friendly Harry Bingham, a best-selling novelist and non-fiction author, this website/blog is a top resource for success in writing and publishing. Have a question about the craft or the industry, you will most likely find the answer here.

You will also find links to these blogs on my Blogroll on the sidebar. I’m sorry if you’re not a writer since most of these blogs focus on the topic. I will try to make a separate blogroll for people who blog about travel once I stumble upon enough to build a list. If you know any good travel blogs please feel free to send me the link.

What makes you hit the subscribe button on a blog? What topics do you most like to read about on blogs?

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17 thoughts on “Writers’ Uni-Verse-City: making connections

  1. Thank you so much for the shout out. I’m honored to be included in this list. 🙂 And there are a couple I haven’t visited before, so thanks for pointing them out!

  2. Hey, Nicole, thanks for including me in your list! I agree that these other blogs are awesome, each in their own way, as is yours. I love reading about Brussels, especially since I may never get there myself. What catches my eye in a blog? A topic that is a little different than everything else out there, really good writing and research. Those are the ones that last. I’ve changed my some of my blog topics since you visited last. I now have Oooh, Sexy! (everything sexy, of course), That’s So Last Century (nostalgia and history), and From the Heart (anything that touches my heart and the hearts of others). Thanks again!

  3. Nicole,

    I am blown away to be on the list. Most of these blogs are my A-Team too! I’m so intrigued by the ones I don’t know…I’ll particularly be over at She Writes. 🙂

    In the meantime, thanks for including me and More Cowbell on your list. Hopefully you already got your “Dirty Fighting” on today!

    Thank you for such a great list – I’ll be carving out 30 mins later to go through the whole thing.

  4. Thank you for the useful mine of information here.
    I will subscribe to a blog if I sense that the person who writes on it is serious (or passionate) about their blog – and I don’t mean serious about using it to sell something.

    1. Happy you found it useful. It makes sense that you subscribe to a blog with someone who seems to be serious or passionate because usually their writing is better and more interesting if they really care about it. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Let me add my voice to the chorus of thank yous…great resources. I will be going through all of these sites in details. Merci Ma Belle!

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