Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Hotel de Ville, Brussels Grand Place

5 ways Belgium changed me permanently

Talking to my close girlfriends about dating I realized that I have put Edmonton men at a slight disadvantage because I lived in Belgium for over two years. Europe changed me and I’d like to think for the better, but it can make me feel like a bit of a snob. 5 ways Belgium has
Thug Kitchen Cookbook

Best book trailer ever?

I forgot how quickly Wednesday comes around when you have to think about what you’ve done and blog about. Joining the ROW80 challenge is definitely the way to be accountable for completing my MA project. The thing is: When I blog, I think When I think, I get creative When I get creative, I want to write

Turning over a new leaf before 2015

A colleague of mine said to me last week: “When you commit to something you don’t do it in moderation do you?” I laughed and then I starting thinking about what she said. She’s right. When I’m on track, I’m on track! I’ve blogged a lot less frequently because most of my free time is now

Growing Social Networks – Comparing theories

This will be my last blog post for my Communications 506 coursework, but it definitely is not my last blog post at The Chron-nicoles. This semester I learned about the theory and structures that make up social networks. Having been someone who was using: WordPress blogs, Twitter, Facebook pages, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Goodreads, YouTube, Klout, and

The No Makeup Selfie – Clicktivism via Social Media Networks

Internet communication is not revolutionary anymore. What’s evolving is how we use/manage these digital communication tools to create social networks and what causes or purposes we can form communities around. How many articles or presentations still start with a version of this sentence: “The Internet is changing the way we communicate in ways that were