Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Writing Daily – Keeping the machine well oiled

So I’ve been bad. Bad probably since about March 2012. It haven’t been completely abstaining from writing, but I sure have taken my time to: take a break from fiction writing think about new fiction ideas debate whether or not to edit novel #1 move back to Canada get full-time employment in Canada settle back

Welcome to The Chron-nicoles

Hello and Welcome to The Chron-nicoles!! I started the Uni-Verse-City Blog back in August 2010, about seven months after I had moved to Brussels, Belgium to live and work. I wanted to keep a blog for a number of reasons: I wanted to write, and it was also a great way to show and tell

Labrador Retrievers – They’re Canadian

Welcome Canadian Thursdays, the day of the week when I talk about something or someone you may or may not have known is Canadian. It always surprises me when someone doesn’t know what a Labrador Retriever is, especially if they’re a Canadian. Labradors are most commonly referred to as labs and I happen to have

Actor Kevin Zegers – He’s Canadian

Welcome Canadian Thursdays, the day of the week when I talk about something or someone you may or may not have known is Canadian. So this is the first edition of Canadian Thursdays. Being a Canadian who lived in Belgium for 2.5 years, I’ve written a lot about my travels and I will continue to