Dr. Nicole Basaraba

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, TCD

Nicole Basaraba


Traveling Europe – A Chron-nicoles tour

Being back in Canada after having lived in Belgium and traveled Europe for over two years, I’m happy to be presenting and sharing my experiences at the University of Alberta’s International Week today. Looking back at the photos of all the places I’ve been made me realize that I took a LOT of pictures and

Book Clubs and ROW80 check in

So I was chatting with a friend over dinner and we got onto the topic of what the other was reading. We both said how we would love to be in a book club or to start a book club. I like to be in book clubs where I would read stories that I normally

7 Tips for creating a PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentations can be a useful tool and also a huge boredom flag! I was invited to be a speaker at the University of Alberta’s International Week on January 28, 2013. So for this presentation titled “More than Belgian Chocolate: The ultimate payoff for working abroad“ I needed to prepare something because who wants to